Senfer Earphones Reviews

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Senfer Earphones Reviews

Senfer 4in1

Senfer 4in1 – Review

Senfer 4in1 | Balanced Armature | 8.6 mm Driver | ? The Senfer 4in1 has an nice original design, not the standard reused bullet design, and some interesting technical specifications: detachable MMCX cable and an hybrid configuration with a balanced[…]

Senfer DT2 Plus

SENFER DT2 Plus – Review

SENFER DT2 Plus | 2x Balanced Armature | Dynamic Driver | ? SENFER DT2 Plus, a triple driver headphone with a friendly price. The SENFER DT2 Plus is the 2nd version of the original SENFER DT2 (note the absence of the “Plus”)[…]


SENFER DT6 – Review

SENFER DT6 | 49mm2 Piezoelectric Driver | Balanced Armature | 12mm Dynamic Driver |  ? SENFER DT6 a super affordable triple driver earphone with unexpectedly advanced tech specs for the price. The Senfer DT6 features a very special triple hybrid configuration[…]


SENFER DT8 – Review

SENFER DT8 | 2x Balanced Armatures | 2x Dynamic Drivers | ? SENFER DT8, the latest quad-driver from the brand, launched after the high-performing SENFER EN900 (also a quad-driver headphone). The SENFER DT8 model name refers to it’s 8 drivers (4[…]


SENFER EN900 – Review

 SENFER EN900 | 2 Balanced Armatures | 2 Dynamic Drivers | ? SENFER EN900, the latest and flagship model from the brand with a quad-driver configuration. When the Senfer EN900 was announced it was not clear if they were a[…]

Senfer UE

Senfer UE – Review

Senfer UE | 8 mm Driver | ? Senfer UE, an earphone with an 8 mm dynamic driver, detachable cables and custom design. Senfer is a brand with many interesting earphones, for example the marvelous Senfer 4in1, the Senfer DT2 Plus and[…]