BGVP DM7 | 6x Balanced Armature | 4-way crossover | 4x sound tubes | ? BGVP DM7, the newest 6-driver custom in-ear monitor from BGVP. The BGVP DM7 features a 4-way crossover, 4 sound tubes and 6 balanced armature drivers[…]
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BGVP DM7 | 6x Balanced Armature | 4-way crossover | 4x sound tubes | ? BGVP DM7, the newest 6-driver custom in-ear monitor from BGVP. The BGVP DM7 features a 4-way crossover, 4 sound tubes and 6 balanced armature drivers[…]
Fearless Audio S6Rui | 4x Knowles Balanced Armatures | 2x Sonion Balanced Armatures | 3-way Crossover | 2x Sound Tubes | ? Fearless Audio S6Rui, a custom in-ear monitor with premium specs and drivers. The Fearless Audio S6Rui features a[…]