Objective: Provide a measurable subjective comparison of the maximum amplification power that each earphone can handle before distorting or get completely damaged.
Consider that the maximum amplification power handling capability does not translate into higher bass performance, bass impact or basshead rumbling. If you read each corresponding review you might find out that an earphone handling less power can deliver a stronger bass response or vice-versa. Having said so, we highly recommend that you read our full reviews to better understand how each earphone performed while handling their corresponding amplification power.
How-to read and understand the table below:
- “Maximum Amplification Power”: Specifies how much power each earphone was capable of handling, coming from a Fiio E12 portable amplifier.
- “Basshead Impact and/or Rumble”: Denotes if after our extreme bass tests the earphone was able to generate at least a medium level of bass rumble and/or impact (we set the KZ ATE basshead level as the reference to the least acceptable level, anything equal or above it is classified as “Yes” in this table category) Note: A “Yes” with an * next to it means that the earphone requires extra special conditions, modifications or treatments to provide rumble and/or impact (you will need to read the corresponding review to understand which specific treatment is needed for each earphone).
- Amplifier model and Configuration: Fiio E12 Mont Blanc, set to high gain and bass boost switched ON.
- Equalization: Custom Basshead type.
Get the Fiio E12 Mont Blanc Portable Amplifier that we use for our tests at:
UPDATE: The newer model of the FiiO E12 is now the FiiO A5, SEE PRICE
Get the Fiio E12 Mont Blanc Portable Amplifier that we use for our tests at:
UPDATE: The newer model of the FiiO E12 is now the FiiO A5, SEE PRICE